Handing Kordon's passport over to the Order will allow an EZIC operative to impersonate the diplomat. Taking the passport, allowing Kordon to enter without it, and then handing it over to an EZIC agent will complete the fifth and final EZIC task. Day 27Īn EZIC messenger will ask the inspector to confiscate Kolechian diplomat Kordon Kallo's passport. Ignoring the man in red will allow the player's game to continue. Tranquilizing him will end the game and unlock Ending 10. Killing him with the sniper rifle will end the game and unlock Ending 9. When someone jumps over the fence, the inspector has the opportunity to shoot the man in red. The messenger will provide the inspector with a silver key, which unlocks the sniper rifle in the gun case. If Khaled was allowed to live on Day 20, an EZIC messenger will identify him as the man in red otherwise, the man goes unnamed. Day 23Ī man in red will appear on Day 23. Denying him after he is poisoned will kill Khaled and sicken several bystanders. Players wishing to complete the fourth EZIC task should apply the poison to Khaled's passport when he appears.Īllowing the poisoned Khaled to enter Arstotzka will kill both he and a guard. Touching the powder will instantly kill the inspector. The EZIC messenger gives the inspector a packet of poison for Khaled Istom. The inspector will receive a citation, as Marie does not have a valid ID card. The inspector must use the decoder on each passport to find Marie Escalli, the third EZIC operative Marie's passport will read E-Z-I-C when the player uses the decoder.Īllowing Marie to enter completes the third EZIC task. Day 17Īn EZIC messenger appears with a second decoder and a message to allow another Order operative entrance to Arstotzka. Because Stepheni has invalid paperwork, completing this task will earn the inspector a citation. If the inspector accepted the EZIC gift on either Day 11 or Day 12 and denies this operative entrance to Arstotzka, the game will end on Day 15, unlocking Ending 4.Īllowing Stepheni to enter will complete the second EZIC task. Stepheni Graire will appear on Day 14, so be ready. And again, keeping the money will incur the loss of the inspector's savings. Once again, the player may decide whether the inspector should keep the money or burn it at the end of the day. This time, the value has doubled, and the agent will give the inspector 2000 credits. The EZIC agent returns again to offer the inspector a cash gift. Vonel, the inspector will be arrested, unlocking Ending 3. If the player turns over EZIC documents to M. Vonel appears and asks the inspector for anything related to EZIC. Keeping the money will result in the confiscation of the inspector's savings.

This money is automatically accepted players who do not wish to accept the EZIC gift must uncheck it on the budget screen at the end of the day, which will cause the inspector to burn the cash. Later on, an EZIC agent offers the inspector 1000 credits. If you deny Saratov entry, the EZIC messenger will appear to remind the inspector about the second operative, Stepheni Graire, who appears on Day 14. Allowing Saratov entry counts as successful completion of the first official EZIC task, and will be noticed, but you shouldn't be penalized unless you've made several other mistakes before he comes along. Day 11ĮZIC operant Mikhail Saratov appears at the inspector's window with invalid documentation. Lining these items up in the proper positions will reveal two names: Mikhail Saratov and Stepheni Graire. On the day after the inspector turns over the card to Corman, the EZIC messenger appears to give the inspector a decoder to use with Corman's cipher. If the inspector doesn't pass along the EZIC messenger's card to Corman Drex on Day 8, Corman will return on Day 9 and refuse to leave the window until the card has been handed over. Upon returning Corman's note, the inspector will receive a cipher. In return, Corman will give the inspector a note containing some information about EZIC, which must be read and quickly returned. The back of the card reads "Corman Drex." Watch out for Corman's name on a passport the character is randomly generated each playthrough. Days 8 - 10Īn EZIC messenger appears, gives the inspector a card, and leaves. To that end, I've assembled this walkthrough to help you navigate the EZIC portion of the Papers, Please story mode. Because the game makes it almost impossible to know whom to trust, inexperienced players may encounter difficulties in understanding or executing EZIC tasks. Regardless of the player's decision, EZIC plays a large role in the Papers, Please narrative. A player may choose whether to cooperate with the agent or not.

Beginning on Day 8, the inspector encounters an agent of the mysterious Order of the EZIC Star.