Section II gives you 50 minutes to answer two. Section I gives you 70 minutes to answer 100 multiple-choice questions covering a variety of topics from introductory psychology. The AP Psychology exam is divided into two sections.
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10 questions Not started Free Response Question Social Psychology The scientific study of how a person's behavior, thoughts, and feelings are influenced by the real, imagined, or implied presence of others Sociology The study and classification of human societies Social Influence The ways in which a person's behavior can be affected by other people Social CognitionNow look at the front cover of your exam booklet and locate the AP Exam label near the top left of the cover. 11 questions Not started Multiple Choice Questions Suggested Time Limit: 25 minutes 10 multiple choice questions.

This assessment includes 10 multiple choice questions and 1 free response question. This assessment tests important standards and topics from Unit 9 | Social Psychology. Unit 9: Social Psychology Chapter 15: Social Psychology. The unit and chapter progression of the book are as follows: Unit 1: Scientific Foundations of Psychology.

The 4th edition includes roughly 50% new questions as well as three revised and realigned full-length practice exams which are modeled after the AP exam.