iweaveit for Android 1.4 User Guide Copyright Canyon Art, LLC 2017ģ iweaveit for Android User Guide Introduction CONTENTS Introduction 5 Designer One 6 Editing Threading, Treadling and Tie-up 8 How to start and stop editing 8 Editing Tools 8 Editing Modes 8 Scrolling 9 Color Palette 9 Editing Tools 9 Tie-up Editing Tools 10 Tie-up Editing Mode 11 Tie-up Editing tools 11 Pattern Management - Open, Save and 11 Document storage on the device 11 How to Save a Pattern 12 Sending file OR Printing via 12 HOw to Use save as to Rename a pattern 12 Pattern File Management OPen 13 WIF Format in IWeaveIt 13 Import from an 13 Import/Open from the Internet 13 Managing Patterns 14 How to restore ThumbNail image of DrawDown 14 Open Patterns 14 Sample Files 14 Pattern Setup 14 Editing Yarn Colors 15 Printing 16 Designer One Add-On Module 17 Obtaining the Designer one tools 17 Designer One Tools 17 Tromp as Writ 17 Turn Draft 17 Add Tabby 18 Color N Weave 19 Find Floats 20 iweaveit for Android 1.4 User Guide Copyright Canyon Art, LLC 2017Ĥ Introduction Project and Yarn Calculations Add-On module 21 Obtaining the Project and Yarn Calculator 21 Project and Yarn Calculator 21 Project Setup 21 Yarns 22 Notes 22 Calculate Sett 23 Calculations 24 Heddle Count 25 Warp Colors 25 Default Settings 25 Tracker Treadling and Threading Add-on 26 Obtaing the Treadle and Thread Tracker 26 Start the tracker 26 Treadle Tracking 26 Reverse Tracking 27 Treadling Options 27 Threading Tracker 28 Threading Options 28 Glossary of Weaving Terms 29 iweaveit for Android 1.4 User Guide Copyright Canyon Art, LLC 2017ĥ Introduction INTRODUCTION iweaveit for Android is a weaving draft design app for tablets and phones that use the Android operating system. Canyon Art is not responsible for typo-graphical errors. Every effort has been made to ensure that the information in this document is accurate. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission of Canyon Art LLC., with the following exceptions: Any person is hereby authorized to store documentation on a single computer for personal use only and to print copies of documentation for personal use provided that the documentation contains Canyon Art s copyright notice.

1 iweaveit FOR ANDROID USER GUIDE Version 1.4 CANYON ART, LLCĢ Sally Breckenridge Introduction Canyon Art, LLC.